Monday, April 28, 2008

The Envelope Please...

Or in this case - the sequence generator...

The winner of my Bloggy Carnival Giveaway is comment #43 - Kathy!

Kathy has her own blog called "Head for the Hills" and man... do I admire her! She's got 10 kids! Yes, 10! And she's homeschooling them!!! I'm having a hard time keeping up with my 3 kids!!!
More (Devine) Power to you, Kathy!

Well - Kathy doesn't like scrapbooking, she LOVES it (according to her kids - and those are stats you can take to the bank...) so I'm glad she won! Would be a shame to send these lovely swirly and birdy stamps to a taxidermist that could care less... and you can't swing a dead cat (or a stuffed one, for that matter) around this part of Texas without hitting a the risk was a great one...

Thanks, everyone, for playing - it's so blessed to give rather than to receive - and it's a good thing that's my attitude - I didn't win any of the bloggy giveaways... (sob). I guess I should have taken the time to enter more than a couple of them, huh? But I had a lot of fun reading your comments, checking out YOUR blogs, and "giving" and I'll be doing it again during the next carnival - so stay tuned!

And here is my "list", just in case you wanted to weep over how close (or not) you came to winning...

Random Sequence Generator
Here is your sequence:

1) 43
2) 46
3) 53
4) 69
5) 79
6) 71
7) 75
8) 40
9) 42
10) 80
11) 57
12) 25
13) 68
14) 45
15) 62
16) 24
17) 76
18) 81
19) 65
20) 59
21) 44
22) 30
23) 22
24) 93
25) 55
26) 4
27) 73
28) 48
29) 84
30) 33
31) 15
32) 50
33) 54
34) 47
35) 96
36) 95
37) 8
38) 13
39) 20
40) 31
41) 16
42) 92
43) 7
44) 32
45) 49
46) 64
47) 36
48) 90
49) 58
50) 28
51) 77
52) 34
53) 85
54) 52
55) 97
56) 27
57) 9
58) 18
59) 3
60) 23
61) 17
62) 72
63) 11
64) 2
65) 94
66) 26
67) 1
68) 5
69) 39
70) 14
71) 60
72) 61
73) 74
74) 66
75) 19
76) 89
77) 41
78) 12
79) 56
80) 51
81) 83
82) 37
83) 82
84) 63
85) 67
86) 10
87) 21
88) 35
89) 91
90) 88
91) 29
92) 87
93) 38
94) 86
95) 6
96) 78
97) 70
Timestamp: 2008-04-28 08:50:26 UTC


  1. Thanks Sara, I'm so excited to win the swirly, birdy stamp. I wmailed you with my address. Love your blog.

  2. WTG Kathy!!!!! Hugs, Heather S.

  3. YOU SO NEED TO UPDATE THIS it's taking up blog sphere space :p


Thanks for stopping by. It warms my heart that you would take the time to comment. Well... If you said something nice it warms my heart...

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