Monday, April 5, 2010


Life is perpetually hectic with just a hint of chaos around here. I guess I must like it that way because that's how I keep it. I live from one "event" to the next.

Lately it's been weekend to weekend. Just enough time between events to catch your breath, but not necessarily put everything away...

I do try to clean the table off in between, but it becomes a staging area for the next event.

Here's what it looked like a few days ago on my dining room table...
(it's actually much worse by now... The table is filled and the overflow is in boxes on the floor.)

This is the kind of stuff you start assembling for a Weekend Women's Ministry Retreat taking place in just a few short weekends.

Possibly, the most important thing to take would be the actual study guide you'll use when you want to go to scripture and learn how to become a better wife and partner to your husband.

You must have the right equipment for such a challenging task - and of course, lots and lots of chocolate.
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