Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Challenge To Be NEAT

It's been a while - I've been "refocusing" my attentions lately and the blog has taken a bit of a back seat - but I would like to catch up a bit one post at a time.

In the month of January, my friends Hollye and Jennie, came up with the idea of monthly (meetable) challenges, rather than "resolutions", for the new year. Jennie has organized us and several of us have volunteered to take responsibility for issuing the "creative" challenge for a given month (mine will be September and I had my challenge idea picked almost instantly... but you'll have to wait until then to know what it is...) Jennie started us off with the first months challenge to create a layout with some element of the 'new year' or season AND to clean up our sCrap space - providing before and after photos to be judged - winner to be determined by vote of our peers.

Well low and behold... I was the winner for the "clean" challenge. (l believe it was by default or forfeit though...)

Let's look at some before and afters, shall we? First the "before" photos:

It's after Christmas in these photos - but there's still a lot of Christmas stuff out - including the mobiles the kids made hanging from the fan.

Samantha seems fairly comfortable on my piles of stuff...

There are bags left out from a recent crop away from home and you can't see well - but under my desk is just FULL of stuff that needs to be gone through.

My works space is just a tad bit cluttered...

Here's another view of my desk top.

But that was then - this is now! And NOW it's FAB-ooo-less in here! The kids actually think company’s coming! You can actually see the great work my babies' daddy did in putting this room together for me. Long time ago he built the tall cabinet (it's about 6.5 feet tall, 24 inches deep and 18 inches wide) the stack of 4 drawers and the 12x12 paper filing drawers. (They're also 24 inches deep and about 15 inches wide.) The counter top is a standard 10 foot counter top from Home Depot. The white is easy to clean up. The shelves are also melamine and different lengths and widths.
All reorganized and “lighter” meaning I’ve taken a lot outta the stash and I’m ready to part with it!
My favorite part has been the crafty additions to my space. I got busy and finished some extra touches - altering and personalizing some of my everyday storage items. I did things like cover my giant clothes pin, I covered my storage (photo) boxes and finished covering the magazine covers, made a cover and ABC dividers for my Rolodex address file*. I finally covered the last two of my International Coffee tins, got everything properly labeled and beautified. I still want to finish covering the tin lunch box that will hold frequently used ink pads within reach, my 12x12 clipboard for my personalized calendar and 3 -12x12 canvases (with original wall art), finish altering my wall clock, maybe add some words to the walls and then I’ll be done decorating in here!

It's sure easier to be creative when your space is clean. This is my main work area now. Thanks for the kick in the pants Jenny!
Scroll to the bottom of the blog and you can watch a 7 minute video tour of my room. Be kind... I think it was almost midnight when I shot it...

I even purged on the other (puter) side of the room and put away some dust collecting Boyd’s Bears and figurines. And in the process, I’ve finished 3 layouts and a card! I’m proud to say that I used all scraps for the card and some new items my Ssecret (Santa) Angel sent via Christina.
I’m still organizing the stuff I purged. Eventually, you'll see a post offering it up for grabs... I'll do a "choose your RAK" giveaway – don’t want to clutter your space with something you don’t really want… :0)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

You're IT!

(I stole this "tag" from my sis-in-law - even though she didn't tag me - it was a good way to make a post - bein' as I'm as behind on my bloggin' as I am... If you read this before I actually get to your blog and tag you - then just do it already... It's 4:30 a.m. and I need a nap already!)

Here are the rules:

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name).

3. After you are tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and your answers.

4. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and that they need to read your blog for details).


K - Keep too many "piles" of stuff (clearly hereditary - thanks Dad)

A - Always seem to be running late (you're shocked - I know...)

T - Tougher than I look ;0) (take it for what you will)

H - Humor is an important part of my day - I gotta laugh or make someone else...

L - Leaner! So glad to be sheddin' the poundage (finally!)

E - Even tempered - it takes a bit to get me riled (& my kids know just how to do it)

E - Eternity is on my mind a lot lately. Do you know Jesus, personally? Email me if you don't - I'll point you the Right Direction! (capitals intentional you capitalize proper names :0)
N - New outlook recently - more spiritual and "intentional".

I tag:
and one more... Roberta, since "Grateful" isn't really a "name" (she's my incognito friend ;0)

Thanks for being good sports!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


That's supposed to sound like that guy that announces for the big soccer games...

You might notice that my weight loss ticker (on the right) has changed. Had to make a new one! I met the goal on my first one - with a loss of 51 pounds - this morning. I "jumped" on the scale after the morning "void" and it dipped below the 200 mark for a second then popped up an even 200.0 And that was even without me exfoliating or cleaning the wax out of my ears first!

That puts me just over halfway to my BIG goal of 101 pounds. So now I'm on my way for the second goal - only this time I don't have as much to lose - only 50 pounds instead of 51 ;0)

I'm still looking forward to making the change on the scale at the gym - but they frown upon folks weighing in their night shirts and underwear there... So it will be a few more days, so that I can lose the weight of my workout clothes and shoes as well.

Losing weight is not impossible. It is hard, but it's really not that bad - or even bad at all... Especially when your trainer is the Almighty! I'll just go ahead and say it out loud... I LIKE working out at the gym - even if I do end up sweating... (show of hands...who wants to wash my mouth out with soap now???) I've lost weight before without the exercise, but it really doesn't work or last. You know that already, don't you?

It's been interesting to look back over the little index card progress charts I've kept in the past. I may have weighed less then, but my measurements are smaller now. That tone makes a big difference. Ten pounds heavier looks a lot different when it means an extra inch and a half OFF your backside.

Thanks for all your encouraging words - I really hope that more of you will join me on this adventure. It's got a lot of benefits!

Yes - I'm Still Here

Life has just been pretty busy lately.

There's a lot I need to blog about, like Jacob's 8th birthday, my partial weekend in Dallas scrapping with some dear friends, Michaela's new can of pee (canopy) over her bed and her new desire to keep a neat room (PTL!), my neat and tidy scrapbook room (following a "clean your room" challenge), The spiritual retreats I've attended lately, being less than 2 pounds from my first weight loss goal of 51 pounds (yay me!), Zachary attending cotillion classes again... And I'm sure a lot more.

But right now I'm too far behind to stop and blog. I promise to get back to it soon, though.

While I'm on a little bloggy break, please continue to pray for my cousin, Margie. She started chemo for her lymphoma yesterday. You'll never find "chemo" on a list of fun things to do... Prayers for God's will, healing, strength, personal peace and renewal are appreciated.

Back to whatever it is I was doing before...
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