Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Royally Socialized

Frequently, we homeschoolers face questions from those on the “outside” about the social development of our children. Understandably, they worry that our children will miss out on the social graces learned in “real school” like peer bullying, dating tips for sixth-graders, fashion critiquing and eating disorders, gutter language skills, and a general disrespect for adults in a position of authority.

Naturally, we’re concerned that our children don’t become social misfits and so we occasionally loosen the duct tape, open the basement door and let them out into the sunshine for a quick trip to China-Mart or to drive past one of the three local McYuck food stores.

We just happened to be able to tweak our schedule a bit at 11 AM on Royal Wedding Friday (another advantage of homeschooling) and we went all out with a full blown formal occasion and really put their social skills to the test. They passed with flying colors.
Do these look like socially impaired young ladies to you? They look an awful lot like princesses to me. There’s not a crossed eye or a booger picDSCN0528ker in the bunch. 

My sweet friend and her daughters  decorated the place card cookies for me.

I found the tiara napkin rings at Hobby Lobby when they were on a 50% off sale. Each girl took one home as a memento from the day with the reminder that they are each indeed a princess as a daughter of the King of Kings.DSCN0530 

Brunch was Belgian waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, baby portabella and spinach quiche, asparagus, scones with honey orange butter, and a pink sparkly drink followed by fairy cakes purchased at The Sugar Plum Tree bakery, (aka cupcakes),  chocolate covered strawberries, cream puffs and jelly filled  marshmallow raspberries.

We served the moms in attendance brunch too but their table was slightly different.DSCN0541
You can see that this sweet princess (the youngest in the bunch) used her butter knife properly on her scone and even used her 227148_1764184457599_1028736589_31477302_5706024_npastry fork to eat the icing off her fairy cake first. Manners supreme! 

After they finished eating they all crowded around in the living room  in their gowns and we watched the Royal Wedding (again…) and learned all sorts of things about hats and tiaras, gowns, carriages, family trees 221796_1764185417623_1028736589_31477306_1078662_nand tried to figure out how you can be married to a Queen and only be a duke or prince… not the king.
I’d say we’re doing mighty fine in the socialization area thankyouverymuch. Not once did I hear, “I don’t like that” or “what’s in it?” or “I don’t want to”. However, I did hear (once) “how much longer until they kiss?”

Come back tomorrow and we’ll see if the mommas behave as well at their party as the daughters… A hint: nope. (Probably because they weren’t homeschooled…)


  1. I'm sharing this on FB because my dd is so cute and your post is GREAT!
    Funny funny funny!! Love it!

  2. What a great time! That is TOO Cute! Thanks for sharing 8)

  3. How beautiful!! May I come to tea at your house??

    I'm new to your blog and I'll be back often!


  4. Adorable! It looks like it was a great time. The girls, while obviously socially retarded, look pretty. Lisa~

  5. haha! lovely. and so nice of you to let all of them out of the basement at once. Visiting from the Hop! -jodi

  6. So much fun!!!! Stopping by from HHH

  7. Oh, I love this! You are a kindred spirit indeed. :)
    What special memories in such a lovely setting.
    Our daughter's 17 now and we had a 'grown-up' tea party. Found you @ HHSM.

  8. These little girls are just adorable...I'm sure they were feeling VERY special. The table is lovely and it certainly looks like they were having a great time. So nice to hear that good manners still exist!

    (Just visited the "big girls' party too)

  9. So nice to see that they were taught great table manners. It seems like it is one of the things of the past. They are all so sweet. Loving it

  10. What fun. I have boys and they were never too interested in tea parties!

  11. Such a fun day! I really enjoyed your pictures. Thank you for sharing. :)



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