Friday, February 25, 2011

New Hair & Nuptial Hype

Not by any advanced planning my estrogen buddy (AKA my only daughter) and I went for a girls day out. 

After spending the better part of the morning at piano lessons we quickly dumped our boys, or rather, took them for a day doing yard work at Gramma’s. We then headed south on a whirlwind trip to the Big City to make a few store returns which didn’t pan out exactly as I’d planned… We ended up purchasing more than we returned…Then we rushed back home for new haircuts for both of us.

We had a great time and both look cuter. That is what matters, right? Right??

We talked about “girl stuff” all day, mostly the next party we are planning. Or, I should say, “parties” we are planning. We’re over the moon excited about them – and terribly depressed at the same time.

prince-william-kate-middleton-engagement-picturesYou see, I’ll use any excuse to plan a party – there needn't be a holiday or birthday involved, though they’re frequently helpful. I’ve even been known to plan parties around my favorite movies. There are really only two things that keep me from throwing a party every month. Space and money. I don’t have much of either. Herein lies the depression. I want to invite ALL my friends to ALL my parties, but alas, there’s neither space or money for either.

My dining room will comfortably seat 8, but I’ve managed to squeeze in 16 when necessary. However, my living room will only seat 6 comfortably for screen viewing, so I’m only inviting 20 guests. 

What? You’re having trouble with that math?
Allow me to ‘splain it to you.

In the past I’ve tried to rotate the guest list somewhat, especially once the word gets out and I learn that someone else would like to come to a particular event (like the Steel Magnolia’s parties). One idea I’ve toyed with recently is having a lottery of sorts for sending out invitations. That’s sort of how I arrived at the guest lists for my next party. I put all the names in a fabulous hat and drew out those I would send an invite to.

Because that was still too many people, I’ve actually broken this into Will & KateTWO parties – a Royal Wedding  Brunch and Royal Wedding High Tea Reception . One  will be a Royal Wedding Day Brunch with my mom, sister, mother-in-law and a few (very few) of my daughter’s young friends. The second party will be an “after party” (seeing as how it’s after the actual event) with a replay of the Royal Wedding via DVR and a Wedding Reception High Tea, including wedding cake, “champagne” and gifts.ROYAL-WEDDING-INVITATION

This is yet another challenge – to pull this off spending as little money as possible – seeing as how there is little to no money to spend. I don’t have the 40 million that’s rumored to be spent on Will and Kate’s nuptials, but I know this can be done, having pulled off a couple of actual weddings with tiny budgets. (See them here and here.)

Here’s a preview of Royal Wedding Party Prep 007what we have planned…Union Jack

Plus I’m writing a quiz on the Royals and the upcoming nuptials…Stay tuned – I just may post a preview here…

Now please, no camping out by your mailbox waiting for your invitation… I can’t bear to think of you out there in the weather… My heart is already breaking since Sweet Williams - Get it?I can’t have everyone that I want in attendance. 

Take courage – Prince Harry is looking more and more like he might settle down and behave soon and there might be another Royal Wedding party on the horizon…

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to imagine myself there at the Royal Wedding Day Brunch. I can't wait to hear about it and the High Tea on the phone and see it happen on the blog! I know both events will be wonderful, dear Sis. Just sorry I live too far away to attend in person.


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