Friday, March 5, 2010

Reasons I've Not Been Blogging (this time)

A 10th Birthday

Valentine's Day celebrations

and food... (Do you see the face? Zachary made this for Jacob.)

Spending more time with my babies' daddy rather than on the puter...

New and exciting (marriage changing) bookPlanning a Women's Weekend Retreat centered on the above book...

Homeschooling kids

Field trips

Running around in general

Preparing my broken (NEW) camera to send in for repair (I hope)

Bejeweled Blitz on Face Book... (super bad time-waster...and this isn't my highest score...)

Going out with friends to celebrate aged-ness

Church duties


Co-Op Classes

Winter Olympics...

Muscle spasms actually brought on by the Olympics (OK, OK... it's 'cuz I'd been watching from bed and had to turn my head slightly toward the corner of the room where the TV sits...)

Too much to say and not knowing where to start
Depression from missing opportunities to blog some really cool stuff that's now too far in the resent past to mention.
I've got several things on my mind... just have to find the time to pull it out for you. Pretty soon I'll have some time off (maybe...) and I'll tell you what I've been thinking.

I know... you're on the edge of your seat, right?


  1. I love the pictures! Now that we're caught up you can start fresh. I'm dying to hear what's been on your mind. :) Lisa~

  2. Love your many reasons (and seeing pictures of you all.) You're doing better than I am. Have a wonderful weekend, Sis - "Hi" to the family.

  3. That is a lot. All good stuff, girlie.

    I'm having Lisa make me a special edge of the seat cushion. It'll be gorgeous and will stand out in my un-decorated home so much people will wonder why I have it. And then I'll get to tell a good story.

  4. Love the pics! The one of Mack taking out the garbage is too funny. Looking forward to your next post!


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