Monday, March 30, 2009

Pride Goeth...

I spent a lovely Sunday in a local German town (about 25 miles from here), that's mostly known for it's downtown tourist shopping area and charming cottages that frequently show up on various HGTV shows and in decorating magazines.

The vast majority of my day I spent in a Hampton Inn conference room doing some Women's Ministry Leadership Certification, but we wrapped up a little early and were encouraged to do a little shopping before we headed home. I actually had an hour before the shops were to close and got to slip into several home decor type boutiques sans children - whether or not you spend any money that's a TREAT.

Please don't think I didn't find anything to buy - with Easter just around the corner I've been looking for more "grown up" decorations and have an affinity for the antique and vintage looking items. I was able to procure a couple of pretend baby ducklings to tuck in my decorative baskets full of pretend chocolates and pastel blown out eggs. I meandered along my way, even stopping in at the local Cracker Barrel before heading home, just to see if there was anything else I "needed".

I arrived home at about 6 p.m. to make a quick dinner and get the family up to the church for our weekly Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace University meeting. I entered the door of my peaceful abode and my lovely day away recharging came to a very sudden stop.

Wasn't someone just mentioning a post or two ago how our household hasn't seen illness in who knows how long?

For the record, I'd like to state that crossing body parts and knocking on wood is not counted as homeopathic treatment, preventative or otherwise.

The pestilence started almost immediately. Jacob said his stomach didn’t feel good – and by 6:14 p.m. we confirmed that it wasn’t “the diarrhea”, but rather, "the throwing up". (Until recently I had been saying it all wrong and not preceding either term with "the"... You learn so much from your blogging friends and their children.)

There are currently two out of three kids gripping mixing bowls and as a precautionary measure, my Darling took one to bed also.

Ah... bed. Must be so nice.

First Thessalonians 5:18 says that in everything we should give thanks.

  • I am thankful that the first wave hit the kitchen floor and not the carpet, sofa or love seat that I just steam-cleaned last week.
  • I am thankful there's (so far) no fever associated with this bug.
  • I am thankful for a daughter with an empathetic heart that decided that the moment her brother began not feeling well she would begin her early medical training and kicked into doctor gear.
  • I am thankful that my house is clean right now and if I do succumb to this bug, I have a pleasant place to be under the weather - not a garage/storage room with a king-sized bed and my dresser in it.
  • I am thankful for a husband that takes care of his body, seems to have an iron immunity and rarely gets sick.
  • I am thankful that I've been DVRing educational programs that will be perfect for kids to watch from a sick bed on the sofa. (Some of the education might be in the way of home renovation...)

Any prayers to gird up the mommy are greatly appreciated.


  1. Oh Sara! You do indeed have many good things to be thankful for on your list. I'm praying for your family today.

  2. What a great list of things to be thankful for. I hope you stay well. Your family is so precious. Lisa~

  3. as the saying goes "all good things must come to an end" least you had some respite first.

    All this talk of buggies makes me glad I'm layin low these days..eck!

    Hope all is well before Sunday!

  4. Oh, I'm sooo bummed for you, but just love reading the list of thankfulness.

    I hope it's over as quickly as it started.

  5. Ohhhh dear.....I am so sorry to hear they aren't feeling well and I hope it moves out as quickly as it moved in. Many prayers sent up for you and your sickies over there!!!!
    Hugs, :) Heather S.


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