Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Is Bustin' Out All Over

I love being here in Texas where there is a definable "Spring". We didn't have a long spring in Florida - sure there were trees that bloomed, but the season didn't last as long as it does here. I'm really enjoying the flowering trees and can't wait for the wildflowers to come up along the roadways.

Yesterday I took some new photos of the kids. My aunt is putting together family photos for my Gramma's 80th birthday at the end of this week and I sent them off to her today.
Methinks that trouble looms on the horizon... :0)


  1. Love the pictures! Aunt Shari can't wait to get copies.

  2. Wow Sara...I think I see trouble on your horizon too!! Gorgous kiddos and boy has Mack grown up overnight!



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